Friday, February 24, 2012

Easy peasy Menu Board

Thrifted frame-
Cloth napkin-
Dry erase marker-

Waa laa

Found this lovely idea via Pinterest. <3 that site.

Anyways basically lay cloth napkin/fabric of your choice behind glass of frame like you would a picture. Close frame. Hang on wall. And enjoy your borrowed creativity! You could also swap out fabric/markers to match Holidays.

Oh, the color possibilities are endless!

This basically cost me 1$. Price of thrifted frame. I <3 thrifting. But that's a whole nother post. Yes, "nother". Not not "another". Just "nother". I'm from MO, Dontcha know.

My Man couldn't believe I said "nother" like it's actually a real word, in that context. He laughed. And shook his head, while laughing.

And laughed some more...

It's ok. I'm tough. I have 4 brothers.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A lonely blog.

Sorry for the absentee blogger that I am. :-/.

Coming soon!

Diy Menu Board via Pinterest.

The best stew/soup secret ingredient.

More love to Hammered Paint.

Picture blog post(s).

News of new family members. Relax people. It's fish.

Sad news of the loss of a newer family member. Our snail Hello Kitty...

Diy scarf. Since it's such a winter wonderland. :::sarcasm:::

Other neat stuff I may or may not procrastinate about blogging about blogging about.

Whew. Say that 7 times fast. Just cuz 3 times fast could quite possibly be doable. Ser-is-lee.

If you need a chuckle. View picture. Heehee. Via pinterest.

Have I mentioned my love for pinning?


You must be hard of hearing then.